About Medimime Policies
Medimime has a range of policies and documents to ensure compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, to give guidance, and for internal operational processes. Current Medimime policies and documents are available below. If you have any questions or queries, please follow the contact information below.
Breach of a Policy
Medimime takes the breach of any policy very seriously. In determining an appropriate sanction for a breach, Medimime may refer to and adopt any process or sanction from the relevant Medimime policies. If you have any queries or complaints about any Medimime Policy, please contact us using the below details.
By email:
By post:
Medimime Productions
PO Box 1702
Geelong VIC 3220
By website:

Child Safety Policy

Code of Conduct

Complaints and Grievances Policy

Disciplinary Policy

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Privacy Policy
Other documents